Darien, NY

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Workshops & Events

Whether you're interested in art, spirituality, fitness, or just plain fun, we've got a little something for everyone.

Please welcome our 2024 Workshop & Event Hosts!

Nicole Zelazny Image

Arousing the Senses

Nicole Zelazny

Through the introduction of various stimuli we will awaken a response; acknowledging the changes in your realm of sensational knowledge.

Nicole is a co-creator and artist with Paradise Fest. Nicole has previously hosted a mindfulness movement meditation workshop and tea ceremony at Paradise Festival 2023.

Sik Braids Image


Sik Braids

Lets get to braiding! Grab your braiding partner and sit down in this exclusive braiding class with Sik Braids Braiding Professionals who will be teaching some great hair braiding tips and tutorials.

Sik Braids is a premier mobile braiding service, specializing in braids for festivals, special occasions kids and classes. Sik Braids was founded by Buffalo-native, Kelsy Mack, borne out of a love of the artistry of hair braiding and making others feel confident. Sik Braids aims to be a welcoming place for all, whether braiders or clients.

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Breathe & Bathe

Julia Keppler & Mandee DeMarco

Challenge your understanding of breathwork by joining in a Wim Hof style class, followed directly by a sound bath meditation aimed to help you connect with your body on a deeper level.

Julia and Mandee are co-creators of Paradise Fest. They previously hosted a breathwork/soundbowl meditation workshop at the 2023 event.

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Catch the Sun

Aly DeMarco

We will be piecing together our very own light-catchers during this workshop. Tools and materials will be supplied to create your own light-catcher to take home. A suncatcher, also known as a light-catcher, is normally placed near a window to collect the natural daylight from outside. Suncatchers are designed to be a visual enjoyment made from tiny small reflective and iridescent ornaments.

Aly is one of the co-creators of Paradise Fest and enjoys making crafts in her spare time. She personally has light-catchers in most of her windows and finds them beautiful. It gives her joy to see mini rainbows all over the room when the sun catches them just right, and she can't wait to share that joy with you!

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Matthew John Image

Discover Your Starseed Origins

Matthew John

"The term 'Starseed' is one that is thrown out in many different contexts around the spiritual community. But what actually is a Starseed? Does it mean you are an extraterrestrial? Does it mean your soul comes from another realm? How do you know if you are a Starseed or not? If you are one, what does it really mean for your life here on Earth?

Matthew will do a Q&A, and also trance channel a group of five Sirian extraterrestrials LIVE! Audience members are welcome to ask the Sirians their questions through Matthew's channel.

Matthew John is an internationally-recognized Spiritual Teacher, Intuitive, Psychic, Medium, Trance Channeler, Intuitive Astrologer, Starseed Guide, Energy Healer, Medical Intuitive, Speaker & Spiritual Life Coach/Mentor working with angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, and Galactics. Matthew resides in Western New York, U.S.A. with his Ascension dog Sebastian.

Green Apotheca Image

A Gathering of the Witches: Ritual & Healing Circle

Kay Donnelly — Green Apotheca

Join Kay & The Coven from Green Apotheca on this magickal evening in Paradise. Kay will cast a circle around the altar, and open discussion and intention setting. We will join in a group ritual for healing and connecting with the divine within. Then, Kay will lead a guided meditation and smoke cleanse each witch in attendance. Amplify the magick felt within and around by gathering together in community.

Kay, the witchy woman behind Green Apotheca, believes in healing, empowerment, and the magick that lives within each of us. Green Apotheca is established with these core values, and sets out to grow with the spiritual community through hosting safe spaces for connection, moving meditation yoga classes, and apothecary-crafted tools for divination work.

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Bri Grace Image

Glow Painting

Bri Grace — The Grace of Ganja

This glow in the dark painting pour workshop will be available as you mosey on through the nighttime of the lit up forest.

The Grace of Ganja is a Glitter Infused Virtual Art Studio, run by self taught Artist, Bri Grace. What started out as a way to manage my PMDD disability, has blossomed into a full time Dream Come True. We create one of a kind Resin and Canvas Art Pieces with a focus on eye catching, functional art that elevates the consumption experience.

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Meditative Forest Walk - Vision Quest

Yogi Josh — This is Life Itself

Yogi Josh, informed by the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, uses the practice and movement of walking as an anchor to the present moment, helping the practitioner to deepen their connection with the earth. Expect comfortable silence among the group, breathing, tuning in to your environment, and during times of thought production, practicing loving compassion with your mind.

Our Dharma is simple. Sharing, Loving, Appreciating, and Helping Others Enjoy Life to the Truest Capacity.

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Nicole Zelazny

A partnered eye gazing & drawing workshop. We “see” pairs of eyes on a daily basis, but it is a rarity to “look into” another's eyes without it bringing something up…unease? intimacy? Laughter? Explore what comes up for you when peering into the face of a stranger, or even yet someone familiar.

Nicole is a co-creator and artist with Paradise Fest. Nicole has previously hosted a mindfulness movement meditation workshop and tea ceremony at Paradise Festival 2023.

Kelly Ann Swartz Image

Pick Your Paint

Kelly Ann Swartz — HiLites Salon & Art Gallery | Kelly Art Space

Gather materials from the world around you and turn them into paint, then paint the materials you gathered in a 3 step tutorial.

  1. Spend the first part of the workshop exploring your surroundings and find/forage some interesting natural flowers, grass or foliage: any pigment that catches your eye.
  2. We will use more natural material (rocks) to break down your findings into fine pigment.
  3. You will then add appropriate amount of binder, making your natural paint to use immediately :)

Kelly Ann Swartz is a multifaceted creative, and the owner of HiLites Salon & Art Gallery. As a licensed cosmetologist, gallery curator, painter, and botanical artist - visual creativity of all forms is cherished & highly valued. Her commitment to holistic wellness is represented in her career and artistry. In her free time, Kelly enjoys teaching yoga, hiking, skating, and reading.

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Yogi Josh Image

Psychedelic Om

Yogi Josh — This is Life Itself

Start your Saturday morning with 25 minutes of rolling oms. This meditative experience entails oming for 25 minutes at your own pace. Creating an incredible sea of Oms and meditation.

Our Dharma is simple. Sharing, Loving, Appreciating, and Helping Others Enjoy Life to the Truest Capacity.

Robyn Paige Image

Reiki Sessions

Robyn Paige — Finger Lakes Yogascapes & Free Spirit ROC

Individualized Reiki Healing Sessions. Sign ups will be available at Center Camp of Paradise Festival, first come first serve.

Robyn is a E-RYT 500 and Reiki Master practitioner and teacher, and passionate Owner of Finger Lakes Yogascapes and Free Spirit ROC! Connecting with community while guiding others towards a deeper level of healing is what truly lights me up! Reiki energy is such a gentle yet powerful modality to work in, and I'm grateful to be able to hold space in this way.

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Julia Reed Image

Rhythms of Renewal: Exploring Movement & Emotion

Julia Reed — One of A Kind Yoga

Julia Reed, owner of One of A Kind Yoga will take you through a somatic dance and movement class. In this class you will be given the space to explore the profound connection between body and emotion. Through fluid movements, mindful exploration, and high vibrational music- we journey inward to release stored emotions and embrace the present moment. This class offers a safe space to listen to your body's wisdom, allowing it to guide you towards healing and self-discovery.

Julia is the owner of One of A Kind Yoga. She strives to create an inclusive environment for all to heal & become their best selves! Her passion is bringing people together. She is a healer, artist, & creator ❤️

Carley Yoga & Yoga With Elizabeth Image

Sacred Stillness

Carley Yoga & Yoga With Elizabeth

Sacred Stillness is a pairing of two practices of stillness, Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra. Beginning with a series of grounded Yin poses held for 3-5 minutes targeting the fascia and unblocking stored emotions students are encouraged to release effort while still finding their edge. We then transition to Yoga Nidra, translated to “yogic sleep” and considered non-sleep, deep rest Yoga Nidra takes students on a journey from their outer body to their inner bliss body using techniques that include pranayama, a full body scan, guided visualization and use of a Sankalpa or sacred vow of truth/intention. Between the emotional release in Yin and the deep, cosmic awareness of Yoga Nidra the students often have a cathartic, deeply restful and rejuvenating experience freeing their body, mind and soul.

Carley has been practicing yoga for almost 16 years. The practice has kept her sane and fit through eating disorders, infertility struggles and now motherhood. It has added so much depth, awareness and joy to her life, so she's passionate about sharing the practice and all of its beautiful benefits with others!

Elizabeth is a 500 hour CYT with additional certifications in various styles of yoga modalities including Yoga Nidra, Yin Yoga and Hikyoga to name a few. She's passionate about working to soothe the nervous system through yoga and meditation to help people live their most vibrant lives.

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Mike Rhodes Image

The Swingers Club

Mike Rhodes

Join in this kettlebell workshop aimed to strength your body and confidence in swinging bells of steel around.

In this workshop we'll become familiarized with fundamental movements, discuss the benefits and pros/cons of kettlebells and other unconventional training methods, develop basic skills and techniques of both Hard-style and Girevoy(Sport) techniques. We'll do an 8 min conditioning circuit together as a group; then if time permits, we can wrap up the course with some kettlebell juggling/trick techniques, and steel mace exercises.

Mike has 6 years of work experience as a Certified Personal Trainer, former amateur combat athlete/martial arts competitor. He specializes hardstyle kettlebell training and circular pattern training methods such as steel maces, steel clubs, landmines, rowing, paloffs and other forms of core heavy transverse plane focused training methods. He began regularly practicing hardstyle kettlebell 10 yrs ago and it became one of my primary training tools almost immediately. He'd consider the kettlebell to be in the conversation as one of if not the best overall training tools.

Melissa Tylec Image

Symphony Soul Sound Sanctuary

Melissa Tylec — Symphony Soul Sound Healing

Experience an intuitively guided 20-minute one-on-one session customized to each individual beginning with a prayer of intention followed by an incredible experience of your body being immersed in a diverse array of vibrations. I have multiple sound healing instruments that I will play on and around your body. My mission is to helping others tap into their highest potential in love and light bringing immense fulfillment and positive transformation to their lives.

Individualized Sound Healing Sessions. Sign ups will be available at Center Camp of Paradise Festival, first come first serve.

Passionate sound healer, herbalist, and forager, gardener, artist, and animal lover dedicated to harnessing the healing power of nature and oneself. With a knack for fermenting foods and a commitment to sourcing organic, local ingredients, She strives to promote holistic wellness and vitality in herself and others.

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