Darien, NY

Enter Paradise

Access Code:

General Inquiries:

Become a Paradise Vendor

Interested in vending at Paradise?

You have two options: you can choose to only vend, which is a $100 fee. If you would prefer to also attend the weekend and enjoy all its festivities, please select the $150 vend & attend option when purchasing your ticket.

Our recommended vendor hours of operation are Friday til 8pm, and Saturday 9am to 7pm. However, if you wish to be open for longer, you're of course welcome to do so.

We highly recommend you obtain your own vendor insurance. If you do not have any, you may obtain it through these means: Insurance information or fill out our vendor waiver in the documents below.

In addition, please fill out and email these two documents to vendors@paradisefestny.com:

Vendor Documents

$100 - $150


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