Darien, NY

Enter Paradise

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Join the Energy Exchange T[EE]M

Energy Exchange is the lifeblood of Paradise.

Join the T[EE]M to exchange your contribution for a Weekend Pass!


Being an intimate not–for–profit gathering, Paradise Festival is erected new and improved each year from creative cooperation and collaboration. One of the central principles of Paradise is Participation — an exchange of energy.

In that spirit, we invite you to apply to go deeper this year. We're bringing on a T[EE]M of volunteers to help make this our biggest and best gathering yet. We have multiple ways you can contribute, so let us know what you're interested in and we'll work with you to find the best fit given your interests and availability.

This program is one of the ways we strive to make Paradise accessible to all - regardless of financial capacity.

Volunteers will receive a discounted or free Weekend Pass depending on volunteer hours. Volunteer just 10 or more hours prior to or during the festival for a free Weekend Pass!

Join the T[EE]M →

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